The card should recognize you with a greeting every time you insert your card. Insert the card into the card reader on any slot machine. Attempting to play credits from a ticket belonging to another guest is a violation of Pennsylvania law. WHAT DO I DO IF I FIND A SLOT TICKET ON THE CASINO FLOOR OR IN A SLOT MACHINE? Do not hit Max Bet without prior knowledge. Remember that each game has a denomination and can accept multiple wagers. Press the service button on any slot machine and ask a slot attendant for more information on your game of choice. Every Mohegan Pennsylvania restaurant, lounge and retail shop will accept your Momentum Dollars for discounts or purchases. ARE MOMENTUM DOLLARS EARNED FROM SLOT PLAY GOOD AT ALL OF THESE BUSINESSES? MOHEGAN PENNSYLVANIA IS THE FIRST CASINO IN PENNSYLVANIA TO PRESENT GREAT RESTAURANT BRANDS AND RETAIL SHOPS. We offer over 1,600 games, with denominations ranging from penny slots to $100 per spin. WHAT DENOMINATION SLOT MACHINES DO YOU OFFER? This ticket is currency and can be inserted into another slot machine or taken to a Casino Cage representative or a ticket redemption machine to be cashed. When you want to change games, take a break or leave, press the Cash Out button and you will receive a ticket. Our slot machines accept cash or slot machine credit tickets. Mohegan Pennsylvania is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the year.